Webinar Glossary

Webinar Series

A webinar series consists of a set of online events hosted consecutively, typically on the same topic, for marketing purposes. It includes multiple one-time sessions (or “episodes”) that can be accessed by attending attendees or those who are watching replays.

What is a Webinar Series?

A webinar series consists of a set of online events hosted consecutively, typically on the same topic, for marketing purposes. It includes multiple one-time sessions (or “episodes”) that can be accessed by attending attendees or those who are watching replays.

Webinar series have become an increasingly popular tool for businesses looking to build and strengthen relationships with their customer base, deliver educational content, or launch a new product.

They provide a great opportunity to engage in real-time conversations with customers and give them the chance to ask questions or get answers quickly.

Benefits of Webinar Series

Webinar series can generate numerous advantages for businesses.

  • Increases chances to connect with potential leads: A series of webinars gives businesses more opportunities to engage with potential customers and leads. Each new session presents an opportunity to build on past conversations and establish relationships by addressing the questions posed during previous sessions. Progress can also be tracked over time, enabling businesses to know when it is the right time to reach out.
  • Ample time to cover multiple topics: A webinar series provides attendees with more than just repeat opportunities for engagement – it also gives them enough time to cover multiple topics that may be of interest. It can take several sessions to truly dive into a topic, explore examples, and provide actionable takeaways.
  • Content tailored to attendee needs: When hosting a webinar series, the host has the advantage of time to explore multiple topics and tailor each session's content to fit the interests of the attendees. Unlike a single webinar, where it's challenging to cater to everyone in the audience, a series allows for more detailed exploration of different angles on the subject.
  • Re-engaging with no-show attendees is possible: Even with all of their best efforts, it is impossible to guarantee that every attendee will show up for every session. However, with webinar series, those no-show attendees can be re-engaged and brought back onboard. When people miss one session, it is easy to invite them back to the next one with a reminder email or social media post.
  • Creating Momentum and Crafting a Compelling Narrative: The beauty of webinar series is that each session builds on the last, allowing the host to craft an engaging story. As attendees attend more and more sessions, they become more invested in the conversation and are more likely to take action when prompted. Additionally, since each session can cover a different aspect of the topic, the audience won’t get bored with repetition.

By leveraging webinar series, businesses can engage potential leads multiple times over the course of weeks or months, creating a more meaningful connection that can lead to conversions. With the right content and approach, businesses can build an audience of loyal followers who will continue to come back for more.


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