Livestorm SAS is a limited company (société par actions simplifiée), with a share capital of 21 301,72€, registered to the Trade Register of Paris under number 820 434 439 located at 60 rue François 1er, 75008 Paris.

  • Email address:
  • Director of publication: Gilles Bertaux
  • The organisation providing direct and ongoing storage is Amazon Web Service located in Ireland.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I exercise my right to access my data?

  • If you just participated in a webinar, you must address your demand to the organizer to make the same request. They are the data controller, and therefore have the requested information.
  • If you are a Livestorm user and have your own account, all your data are directly available in your account.

How can I delete my data?

  • If you just participated in a webinar, you must address your demand to the webinar company to make the same request.
  • If you are a Livestorm user and have your own account, you can manage the deletion directly in your account.
  • In both cases, this leads to a total and irreversible deletion of your data within thirty days.

Where is my data hosted?

Your data are hosted by AWS, in Ireland.

Is my data used for commercial purposes?

Whether you are a user or a participant, we confirm that your data are not used for commercial purposes. As a participant, the only emails sent are related to your registration to the event.

Where can I find information relating to security at Livestorm?

All information relating to security at Livestorm (DPA, TOMs etc) can be found on the Livestorm's Security Portal HERE.

Still need help?

If you don’t find the information you were looking for, or if you have questions about the documents listed here, feel free to contact us.

Contact us

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