
12 Webinar Engagement Strategies To Keep Your Audience Invested

Published on July 7, 2023 • Updated on July 7, 2023 • About 8 min. read

Drive webinar registrations with this webinar promotion Ebook.

Woman from upper management wrapping-up an online town hall meeting

Lengthy presentations, monotonous delivery, and a one-way stream of information… We’ve all been in an uninspiring webinar or online event like this.

You come away remembering how boring it was but it’s pretty unlikely you’ll actually remember anything useful.

But there’s no need to watch as attendees slowly drop out or stop concentrating.

With the right tech and creative engagement ideas, your webinar will be memorable for the right reasons.

In this article, we explore 12 simple activities and tips to help you create a dynamic webinar experience that engages your audience before the event even starts and keeps them interested after it's over.


Host memorable webinars

Create custom live experiences that get your brand noticed with breakout rooms, clickable CTAs, and automated follow up emails.


Everything you need to promote your webinars and increase attendance.

Engaging webinar attendees is key to profitability

Increasing attendee engagement before, during, and after your webinar helps you maximize lead generation and conversions.

Firstly, you need pre-webinar engagement strategies, like email sequences and branded registration pages.

These are critical to getting sign-ups and shares, warming up your audience, and increasing familiarity with your brand.

Then, keeping attendees focused and participating throughout the webinar will make them much more likely to talk about your company positively and take action afterward.

For example, by offering an exclusive free trial or consultation to webinar participants, you could encourage more people to take immediate action on your product/service and get more insights about their specific challenges.

When they experience how your offering benefits them, you’re sure to boost your conversions and the ROI of your webinar.

By capturing information from engaged attendees during the event, you can also tailor your follow-up marketing toward them.

For example, if you find out what challenges your audience are facing, by using a live poll or inviting people to turn on their mics and share, you can provide solutions later in the webinar.

12 Webinar engagement activities that turn a boring event into a wild success

Check out our creative tips and best practice webinar engagement ideas.

Also, look out for our marketing strategy below - which you can use to segment your audience during and after the event.

Before the webinar

To truly engage attendees, you need to start generating anticipation and establishing a connection before your webinar begins.

Luckily, webinar software can reduce the time this takes.

Here, we look at three marketing strategies webinar software can help you with:

  1. Build attractive registration pages
  2. Research your audience’s interests
  3. Create an email marketing campaign

Build attractive registration pages

To create a consistent brand experience and capture leads, you need a great webinar registration page.

This should include information like:

  • The agenda with webinar topics and highlights
  • Date, time, and duration with slots for fun activities (more on this later)
  • A list of speakers with a short bio for each

With a video engagement platform like Livestorm, you can customize these pages with your branding to create a great first impression.

You can also create custom forms to capture key data (more on this below).

Screenshot of Livestorm's registration settings page

Pro-tip: Turn every website visitor into a potential lead by creating a call-out banner that links to your webinar registration page. Use tools like Canva or Piktochart to quickly design eye-catching graphics.

Research your audience’s interests

You can make your webinars more engaging by understanding what your attendees want from the event and using this to inform your agenda.

To investigate this, ask one or two targeted questions in your registration form.

These can include:

  • What specific questions or challenges do you hope the webinar will address?
  • How would you describe your level of experience or familiarity with [topic/industry]?
  • What are your current goals or objectives related to [topic/industry]?

Create an email marketing campaign

By creating an email marketing campaign, you make sure that registrants get excited about (and don’t forget!) your webinar.

Here’s an example of an automated sequence you can set up through Livestorm’s MailChimp or Mailjet integrations:

  1. A post-registration email that lets people know which speakers they can look forward to hearing from
  2. A one-week reminder that outlines the agenda for the webinar
  3. A concise reminder the day before the webinar

During the webinar

A successful webinar makes every participant feel seen and involved.

And this requires a well thought-out structure with room for attendee input and connection.

Discover how you can create that with these steps:

  1. Build an engaging live experience
  2. Encourage connection with breakout rooms
  3. Use polls to promote interaction
  4. Include a Q&A session
  5. Guide attendees through a stretching session
  6. Use virtual whiteboards
  7. Include a call-to-action

Build an immersive live experience

If your webinar room looks like everyone else's, you’re missing an opportunity to capture your attendees’ attention.

By creating a custom experience with software like Livestorm, you can include features such as graphics, branding, and virtual backgrounds to kick your event off in a more engaging way.

Four people having a Livestorm virtual training session while the host shares files using the Handouts plugin

Encourage connection with breakout rooms

You can encourage people to stay engaged by helping them make connections and have interesting conversations.

Breakout rooms are a great way to do this because you can:

  • Run icebreakers that make people feel part of a group. Try asking participants to introduce themselves in three emojis, for example.
  • Set up problem-solving workshops. Give groups case studies or real-life examples to analyze. This is a particularly effective idea as part of a training webinar.
  • Create space for reflection. Give attendees 5 minutes to discuss what they've learned and reflect on how it impacts their work. Then, ask them to give feedback in the main room so you can learn more about their challenges.

Use polls to promote interaction

By using polls and surveys, you can create a dynamic atmosphere that encourages people to stay engaged with your presentation.

First, try out a few icebreaker polls such as “Which food do you prefer?” Then, midway through, check in to see whether people are following along with your content by asking “Do you need more explanation on [X topic]?”

At the end, you can also check which topics or aspects of your service your attendees want to find out more about and use this to create a segmented follow-up strategy (more on this later).

Contacts record

Pro-tip: Use Livestorm’s webinar chat to allow your attendees to send more in-depth thoughts while they watch.

You can set up a moderator to oversee the chat box and learn more about what audience members want to know.

Include a Q&A session

A Q&A session is the perfect way to lighten the mood mid-webinar.

For example, you could ask people to respond quickly to a knowledge quiz or to react with emojis to a question.

You can also use these sessions to centralize attendee questions and find out which direction they want the rest of the webinar to go in.

With Livestorm, people can upvote the questions they’d most like to be answered.

Guide attendees through a stretching session

Webinars often involve sitting still for long periods, and this can hurt engagement rates.

To combat restlessness, you can involve attendees in a mid-presentation stretching session.

This could include gentle, side-to-side neck movements, slow shoulder rolls, and deep breaths.

Use virtual whiteboards

When attendees are responsible for sharing ideas, they’re more likely to stay engaged.

And a virtual whiteboard is the perfect way to bring a group of people together for brainstorming.

Use Miro and Mural alongside Livestorm to encourage attendees to collaborate during your webinar.


Include a call-to-action at the end

To push attendees further along your sales funnel and collect data to analyze the success of your webinar, be sure to include a call-to-action at the end.

Here are some examples of pages you can link out to using Livestorm’s clickable CTAs:

  • A registration form for a future session
  • A web page about your product or services
  • A feedback form for them to rate the session
Livestorm platform demonstrating how to use the call to action button

After the webinar

You can maximize the impact of your webinar by following up with attendees while they’re still engaged.

This will keep them thinking about the brand, sharing the webinar, and taking whichever next steps you want them to.

Here, we explore tips that make the follow-up process less time-consuming.

Send automated emails

With a webinar platform like Livestorm, you can set up automated email flows to send after the webinar is over.

These should share key learnings, inform attendees about upcoming virtual events, and include a link for them to reach out to your sales team.

You can also use the segmented information you collected pre and during the webinar to address their specific concerns and goals.

For example, if a group shared beforehand that they wanted to learn how to create more engaging seminars and then asked how they could implement networking, you could link them to a blog about breakout rooms and encourage them to reach out with any questions.

Share an on-demand webinar recording

**Sharing your webinar content encourages attendees to reflect and reach out with any questions, but it also allows you to capture new leads. **

You could upload the recording to YouTube so it can be reshared or make it gated content on your website to capture email addresses every time it gets downloaded.

With Livestorm, you can view traffic data to understand where people are watching your webinar from and analyze attendee figures and in-webinar audience engagement.


Everything you need to promote your webinars and increase attendance.

Make your webinar interactive, productive, and engaging

Done right, webinar engagement activities will boost conversions and leads before, during, and after your event.

First, you can captivate your audience with a branded web page and keep them interested in your webinar via email.

Then, during the event, engagement tools help you create a fun, dynamic atmosphere where everyone feels included.

Look out for a tool such as Livestorm which includes dynamic features like polls, Q&As, and breakout rooms.

Finally, after the event, you can use the data you collected throughout to follow up with a tailored marketing strategy for attendees and to continue to optimize your webinars for engagement success.


Host memorable webinars

Create custom live experiences that get your brand noticed with breakout rooms, clickable CTAs, and automated follow up emails.

Frequently asked questions about webinar engagement activities

How do I make my webinar more engaging?

To keep attendees focused, inspired, and engaged, you should make sure they’re active participants in your webinar.

This means including features such as Q&As, polls, virtual whiteboards, and breakout rooms.

You can find all of this plus engagement data inside a webinar platform such as Livestorm.

How do you engage an audience after a webinar?

To keep an audience engaged with your brand after a webinar, follow up with an on-demand download of the content and a series of emails including helpful content.

You can use these messages to answer questions that came up during the webinar and to present your product/service as a solution to their problems.
