
11 Ways to Repurpose Content to Increase Reach & Engagement

Published on October 21, 2024 ‱ Updated on October 21, 2024 ‱ About 10 min. read

Drive webinar registrations with this social media promotion Ebook.

marketer repurposing content

Wish that podcast you spent hours producing could reach more listeners? Want to get your latest video series in front of more viewers? Repurposing makes it easier for your audience to consume your content and creates more value for the business.

In this article, we'll cover how to repurpose content, why you should prioritize this approach, and best practices to follow. We'll also include examples of repurposed content you can use to guide your strategy.


Explore 21 original ways to promote your events on social media and grow registration.

What is content repurposing?

Content repurposing is the process of reusing written, visual, audio, and video content across different channels, often by transforming it into new formats. This practice makes the content accessible to a larger audience.

It's important to note that repurposing isn't the same as simply sharing content. Repurposing generally involves modifying the content or changing its format—such as recapping a virtual event in an email newsletter.

Why it's so important to repurpose content

Need to get buy-in for your content repurposing strategy? Here's why this approach is crucial for marketing teams.

Reach a wider audience

One of the biggest perks of repurposing is the ability to get your content in front of more people. For example, say your virtual event attracts 1,000 attendees—but your goal is to reach 1,500 people.

You can make progress toward that goal by turning sessions and takeaways into new content formats. Then, you can easily promote your online event across different marketing channels.

Connect with customers on new channels

Want to get better results from your blog, podcast, or video marketing? Producing more of the same content may not help you reach that goal.

Instead, rethink your content marketing strategy and turn what you already have into new formats. This way you can connect with your ideal customer profile (ICP) on more channels—such as sharing blog snippets on social media.

Accelerate content production

To stand out in a crowded space, your brand has to be visible. That's why many brands pump out social media posts, infographics, and viral videos as fast as they possibly can.

For big firms with internal marketing teams, this might not present much of a problem. But for smaller, more agile players, creating enough content can be quite the challenge.

Repurposing is a great way to accelerate content production without sacrificing quality. This approach allows you to produce a steady stream of content without breaking a sweat or getting left in the (digital) dust.

Increase conversion opportunities

The more content you publish across channels, the more opportunities you create for your audience to convert. In particular, repurposing videos can help increase conversions.

There's tons of evidence to show that adding a video marketing material boosts conversions. In fact, 38.6% of marketers consider video the most important landing page element for increasing conversions.

Video is a great way to influence customer decisions. The format is engaging to watch, and it conveys messages quickly and colorfully without requiring the viewer to read or scroll. Think of it as a plug-and-play format that can quickly convince people to complete a specific action.

Reduce production costs

Repurposing webinar content is a great way to maximize ROI. Every time you rework existing content into a new platform or format, you save the time and money it would cost to create something brand new.

Plus, each new version amplifies the value of the original content. That's great news for your team's stress levels and the business's bottom line.


Explore 21 original ways to promote your events on social media and grow registration.

11 Ways to repurpose content across marketing channels

Use these ideas to repurpose content and get more value from your B2B marketing strategy.

1. Transform a webinar into a blog post

When you want to drive more traffic to your webinars, turning them into blog posts is a smart solution. By optimizing blog posts for search, you can attract more traffic to your site and get more video views.

Transforming a video event into a blog post takes a little legwork, but the process is pretty straightforward. Download a recording of the event and transcribe the audio automatically.

Then, use the transcript to build a blog draft. Embed the source video in the final post so that any interested viewers can click to watch.

For instance, this blog post by Agorapulse transforms a virtual event into written content. The blog post highlights takeaways and quotes from the speakers and includes a link to view the original video.

2. Recap a webinar in an email newsletter

You can turn your event content into a newsletter using a similar process. Transcribe the audio and identify takeaways that are likely to capture your audience's attention. Include a link to the event recording so viewers can still watch, even if they couldn't attend the live event.

For example, Livestorm recently partnered with and ChartMogul on a webinar covering how to nurture and convert leads by aligning your digital events and email strategies.

Our follow-up email features a brief recap with several highlights from the event. It also has a link to watch the video on demand, which allows us to get more mileage out of the event.

Livestorm webinar content repurposed in an email

3. Cut long-form videos into short-form videos for social media

Long-form videos can be great for covering complex topics and sharing a lot of in-depth information. But viewers who usually consume short-form content may never see long-form videos in their feeds.

Fortunately, you can easily repurpose long-form videos into shorter pieces of content. Identify a few of the most compelling 15-second to 3-minute clips from the full version and turn them into short vertical videos.

Consider adding captions to make them more accessible for viewers. Then, publish the short-form videos as YouTube shorts, TikTok videos, Instagram reels, or LinkedIn videos.

For instance, Surfe repurposed the long-form video below into this YouTube short. The software company also published the short-form version of the video as a LinkedIn video.

4. Restream a live event to other networks

Want to attract the largest audience possible to your next virtual event? Hosting webinars via Livestorm is a great place to start.

But when you restream online events to multiple channels, you make them accessible to even more viewers. With Livestorm, you can simultaneously restream to up to five platforms, including social media platforms like YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and X.

For example, we used Livestorm to host a webinar about repurposing content. Then, we restreamed the event to LinkedIn to maximize attendance.

Livestorm webinar restreamed on LinkedIn

5. Upload a virtual event to other networks

Didn't make a plan to restream your virtual event as it happened? Don't worry: you can still repurpose it after the event livestream ends.

You can always upload pre-recorded webinars to platforms that support long-form video like YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn. However, you don't have to post the entire event as-is.

Here, we took a snippet from a recent Livestorm event and uploaded it as a YouTube video. Then, we added a link to the full panel discussion in the video description.

6. Make your event available on demand

Planning to use virtual events as lead generation tools? Instead of publishing them publicly, transform your online events into lead magnets.

Turn event recordings into on demand webinars that viewers can watch asynchronously. Ask viewers to share their contact information in exchange for access to the content.

For instance, Spendesk hosted a webinar about how to create a finance operations team for SaaS businesses. The webinar is now available as an on demand event via Livestorm.

7. Summarize a podcast episode in a blog post

When you want to attract more listeners to your podcast, repurposing can help. While some podcast hosts simply publish transcripts and call it a day, consider taking your blog content a step further.

Instead of sharing the conversation word for word, make the episode easier to consume by summarizing it and highlighting key points. Then, incorporate relevant keywords and on-page SEO best practices to make the podcast easier for people to find via search.

For example, rather than a transcript, this MadKudu podcast episode includes a summary and an embedded video of the conversation.

8. Highlight takeaways from a report in a blog post

Original reports can be incredible for building brand authority and attracting backlinks. Yet in-depth reports can be difficult to digest, which may limit their reach. To get your reports in front of as many people as possible, turn them into different content types that are easier to read.

For example, we repurposed Livestorm's 2024 Healthcare Webinar Report into blog content. In this healthcare webinar report breakdown, we highlight important insights and include charts for better readability. The blog post also includes a link to download the full report.

9. Turn snippets from a blog post into a social media post

When you need to drive more traffic to your website, create content for social media sites. Break blog posts into multiple pieces of content and publish them as bite-sized social media posts.

For instance, we shared highlights from a recent Livestorm article in this LinkedIn post. The post also includes a link to the original content piece so readers can skim the complete article.

Livestorm blog post content repurposed in a social media post

10. Show essential stats in a social media post

Have more in-depth blog posts or reports to share on social media? Turn them into visual content and share them as images or carousels.

For example, we repurposed our 2024 Banking and Finance Webinar Report into multiple slides. Then, we uploaded them as an interactive LinkedIn carousel that followers can swipe through to see insights.

Livestorm original stats repurposed in a social post

11. Share a great quote in a social media post

Want to share a great quote from a podcast interview or a testimonial from a customer? Transform it into a social media graphic and share it on your company's social channels.

For instance, Livestorm compiled several customer testimonials from G2. We uploaded them as a LinkedIn carousel as a creative way to announce our Fall 2024 G2 badges.

Livestorm customer quotes repurposed in a LinkedIn post

Best practices for content repurposing

While there aren't any strict repurposing rules, there are a few best practices you should keep in mind. Use them to simplify your content creation workflow.

Transform and adapt content rather than cross-posting

Repurposing and cross-posting are both valid strategies. However, they use different workflows:

  • Cross-posting involves publishing the exact same content to multiple platforms, often all at once.
  • Repurposing involves transformation, and it can take place over weeks or months.

When you repurpose your content, change the format or adapt it to the channel where you plan to publish. For example, take a virtual event and turn it into written takeaways for your email newsletter, a complete recap for your website, and short-form videos for social media.

Prioritize evergreen or top-performing content

There's no need to wait. You can start repurposing the new content your team creates today.

But you can also repurpose old content to get more mileage from the videos, blogs, and reports you already published. Not sure where to start? Begin with evergreen content that's always relevant or go with top-performing content that got traction on other channels.

Repurpose content into several smaller pieces

Why repurpose an old blog post or a major report once when you can create multiple pieces of content instead? By breaking down long-form content into several smaller pieces, you get more chances to test what works.

As you collect data, you'll learn what type of content works best for your audience. Then, you can fine-tune your repurposing strategy further.

Can't decide what to prioritize? Start with the channels and formats that align with your marketing goals. For example, if you aim to grow your organization's YouTube channel, focus on long- and short-form video.

Create repeatable workflows for more efficient repurposing

Although repurposing transforms existing content, it still takes effort and resources to carry out. To make the content recycling process a little easier, create a workflow that you can repeat.

For example, every time you publish a podcast episode, transcribe it immediately so you can turn it into a blog post. Then, identify five clips to turn into short-form videos or social media graphics.

Livestorm to repurpose webinar and virtual event content

The first step in any repurposing strategy is creating high-quality content to distribute in various formats. Livestorm is your video engagement platform for:

  • Hosting webinars with just a few or 1,000+ participants
  • Restreaming virtual events across multiple platforms
  • Providing on-demand events attendees can view at their convenience
  • Using Livestorm integrations to sync with your marketing software

Want to put our webinar platform to the test? Sign up for a free Livestorm account and organize your next online event in minutes.
