Large groups

Character Mix & Match

Character Mix & Match is an ice breaker where coworkers collaborate on fictional characters by mixing traits, which often leads to hilarious results.


A detective who loves knitting and is afraid of heights.



A pirate who’s an IT expert and loves gardening.



A superhero who can talk to animals but is allergic to them.



An ancient pharaoh who’s a social media influencer and a coffee addict.



A vampire who loves sunbathing and is a professional chef.


What Is Character Mix & Match?

Character Mix & Match is a creative ice breaker game where coworkers create fictional characters by mixing traits and attributes. It's great for getting everyone to think outside the box while building team spirit.

The goal is to get everyone to collaborate and be creative. Plus, there's a good chance everyone will laugh at the hilarious combinations that come up.

Character Mix & Match Rules

  1. Before you start the game, make a list of characters and traits.
  2. Divide the group into pairs or small teams.
  3. Have each pair or team randomly draw two or three items from the list.
  4. Give participants 5-10 minutes to turn these traits into a unique character, complete with a backstory and personality.
  5. Invite each team to present their character to the whole group, explaining how the traits combine to form their character.
  6. Ask the group to vote for the funniest, most creative, or most original character.

Character Mix & Match Examples

  • A detective who loves knitting and is afraid of heights.
  • A pirate who’s an IT expert and loves gardening.
  • A superhero who can talk to animals but is allergic to them.
  • An ancient pharaoh who’s a social media influencer and a coffee addict.
  • A vampire who loves sunbathing and is a professional chef.

How to Play Character Mix & Match on Livestorm

  1. Use the whiteboard feature to list the quirky traits and attributes participants can draw from.
  2. Use Livestorm’s breakout rooms to split participants into pairs or teams.
  3. Teams can use the chat feature to chat and combine their traits into a character.
  4. Return to the main room so each team can present their character, using screen sharing for visual aids.
  5. Use emoji reactions to provide quick feedback or start a poll so everyone can vote for the most creative character.

Try the chat feature in Livestorm

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Discover 50 ice breakers questions and games that will make your meetings engaging.

How to get started with ice breakers on Livestorm

1 - Sign up for free

Create your account on Livestorm in less than 3 minutes!

2 - Invite your colleagues

Invite your team members from your workspace. The more the merrier

3 - Choose your game

Now you're all set and ready to energize your meetings and events! Browse our hub for ice breakers ideas


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