Small groups

Personal Map

Personal Map is a cool team-building activity where team members share insights into their personal journeys, creating unique experiences .

What is Personal Map

Personal Map is a cool team-building activity where team members share insights into their personal journeys, creating a tapestry of unique experiences that bring the team closer together.

The aim of this game is to boost empathy and team bonding by having participants share personal stories and unique insights not usually shared at work. It's a way to uncover shared interests and value different viewpoints.

Personal Map Rules

  1. Everyone creates a simple digital map showing their life, interests, or experiences. Think places you've lived, hobbies, key moments - anything that's made you who you are.
  2. In the game, each person shares their map, explaining why each item matters to them.
  3. Feel free to ask questions and show interest, creating a vibe of curiosity and friendship.
  4. It's all about listening and getting to know each other, not about competing or judging.

Personal Map Examples

  • Show off a map with countries or cities you've lived in, sharing fun stories from each spot.
  • Create a timeline of big life moments.
  • Put together a collage of your hobbies or passions, and let us know what each one means to you.
  • Share an infographic of your top books, movies, or music, along with why you love them.
  • Sketch out a diagram of the people who've made an impact on your life, from family to friends and mentors.

How to Play Personal Map on Livestorm

Use Livestorm's cool presentation tools to let everyone take their turn sharing their screen, keeping things smooth and fun. The chat and reactions feature lets you give instant feedback and keep the interaction lively in every session.

Emoji reactions

Try the emoji reactions feature in Livestorm

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Discover 50 ice breakers questions and games that will make your meetings engaging.

How to get started with ice breakers on Livestorm

1 - Sign up for free

Create your account on Livestorm in less than 3 minutes!

2 - Invite your colleagues

Invite your team members from your workspace. The more the merrier

3 - Choose your game

Now you're all set and ready to energize your meetings and events! Browse our hub for ice breakers ideas


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