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Speed Interviewing

Speed Interviewing is a quick and fun game designed to help coworkers get to know each other fast.


"What’s your favorite hobby and why?"



"What motivated you to join this company?"



"What’s an interesting fact about yourself?"



"What skill are you most proud of and why?"



"If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?"


What is Speed Interviewing

Speed Interviewing for coworkers is a lively and efficient activity where participants have short, structured chats with multiple colleagues to quickly build understanding and professional connections.

Objective: The aim is to create quick connections and boost understanding among team members through brief, structured interviews.

How to play Speed Interviewing

  1. Preparation: Come up with a list of quick introductory questions, like "What’s your favorite hobby?" or "What motivated you to join this company?"
  2. Pair Up: Team up participants in pairs.
  3. Time Limit: Each pair has 2-3 minutes to ask and answer as many questions as they can before the timer goes off.
  4. Rotate: Once time’s up, participants switch to form new pairs.
  5. Repeat: Keep going until everyone has had a chance to interview several coworkers.

Speed Interviewing Examples

  • "What’s your favorite hobby and why?"
  • "What motivated you to join this company?"
  • "What’s an interesting fact about yourself?"
  • "What skill are you most proud of and why?"
  • "If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?"

How to Play Speed Interviewing on Livestorm

  1. Prepare Questions: Compile a digital list of questions ahead of the virtual event.
  2. Breakout Rooms: Use the breakout room feature to create pairs or small groups.
  3. Time Limit: Set a timer for each round of questioning.
  4. Rotate: Rotate participants to new breakout rooms after each round.
  5. Facilitate Discussion: Encourage brief discussions after each round to share highlights or surprising discoveries.

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Discover 50 ice breakers questions and games that will make your meetings engaging.

How to get started with ice breakers on Livestorm

1 - Sign up for free

Create your account on Livestorm in less than 3 minutes!

2 - Invite your colleagues

Invite your team members from your workspace. The more the merrier

3 - Choose your game

Now you're all set and ready to energize your meetings and events! Browse our hub for ice breakers ideas


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