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Trivia Quiz

Trivia Quiz is a game where you get to answer questions on all sorts of things to test what you know.


"What is the capital of France?"



"Which element has the chemical symbol 'O'?"



"Name the director of the movie Inception."



"In what year did the Beatles release their first album?"



"What is the largest mammal in the world?"


What is Trivia Quiz?

Trivia quiz is a game that lets everyone show off how much they know (or think they know) in a super fun way. It's all about learning new stuff and having a good time with a bit of friendly competition thrown in.

Objective: Just try to get as many questions right as you can. It's about showing off your smarts in different areas and trying to outdo your friends or colleagues for the top spot.

Trivia Quiz Rules

  1. Pick someone to be the host. They'll come up with all the questions, covering a bunch of different topics.
  2. You can play in teams or go solo, whatever you guys prefer.
  3. For the online version find a website like this one
  4. The host will read the questions out loud, and everyone writes down their answers.
  5. After going through a bunch of questions, you'll check the answers and see who got what right.
  6. Whoever racks up the most correct answers wins.
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Trivia Quiz Examples

  • "What is the capital of France?"
  • "Which element has the chemical symbol 'O'?"
  • "Name the director of the movie Inception."
  • "In what year did the Beatles release their first album?"
  • "What is the largest mammal in the world?"

How to play Trivia Quiz on Livestorm

Use Livestorm's features to throw an interactive and fun trivia session. Leverage video conferencing for live questions and chat features for participants to send in their answers, creating a competitive yet fun online vibe.

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Discover 50 ice breakers questions and games that will make your meetings engaging.

How to get started with ice breakers on Livestorm

1 - Sign up for free

Create your account on Livestorm in less than 3 minutes!

2 - Invite your colleagues

Invite your team members from your workspace. The more the merrier

3 - Choose your game

Now you're all set and ready to energize your meetings and events! Browse our hub for ice breakers ideas


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