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What do we Value?

What do we value game is about getting to know what really matters to your team members.


"I value honesty because it builds trust."



"I value creativity as it drives innovation."



"I value empathy because it fosters strong relationships."



"I value perseverance since it leads to success."



"I value teamwork because it enhances collaboration."


What is What do we Value?

What do we Value Ice Breaker Game shines a light on the different things team members value by giving everyone a chance to share and think about what's important to them.

Objective: The aim is to make team bonds stronger by opening up about the values that are close to our hearts. This helps connect on a deeper level and build mutual respect.

How to play What do we Value?

  1. Get together in a circle or hop on a virtual call.
  2. The person leading (let's call them the facilitator) throws out a big, open question about values, like "What do you appreciate the most in a teammate?".
  3. One by one,l take turn to share thoughts while the rest listen in.
  4. Once everyone's had their say, you can chat about any common points or surprises that came up.
  5. The main aim is to uncover and celebrate the different values you bring to the team, helping all appreciate and understand each other a bit better.

What do we Value Examples

  • "I value honesty because it builds trust."
  • "I value creativity as it drives innovation."
  • "I value empathy because it fosters strong relationships."
  • "I value perseverance since it leads to success."
  • "I value teamwork because it enhances collaboration."

How to Play What do we Value on Livestorm

  1. Introduce the game and its purpose in the private chat.
  2. Use the main meeting room for participants to take turns sharing their values.
  3. Ensure everyone has the opportunity to speak and is actively listening.
  4. Utilize the chat function to document key themes or interesting insights.
  5. Record the session to revisit and reflect on the shared values later.

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Discover 50 ice breakers questions and games that will make your meetings engaging.

How to get started with ice breakers on Livestorm

1 - Sign up for free

Create your account on Livestorm in less than 3 minutes!

2 - Invite your colleagues

Invite your team members from your workspace. The more the merrier

3 - Choose your game

Now you're all set and ready to energize your meetings and events! Browse our hub for ice breakers ideas


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